graze the roof

In La Pampa, Argentina, the Figueras Polo Club offers an unexpected form of rooftop agriculture: pastureland.  The club’s 44-stall stables and surrounding polo grounds provide owner Ignacio Figueras — Argentinian polo star, celebrity horse breeder, and the…

more rooftop farming, s’il vous plaît

Through innovative policy and dedication, Paris has kickstarted a rooftop revolution that’s improving Parisians’ work experience, one office building at a time. In January 2016, city legislators and 33 companies pledged to plant 100 hectares (247 acres) of…

jet setters

Like most of us, you probably spent a fair slice of this holiday season in transit, traveling by car, bus, train, or perhaps even by airplane.  With time-sucking security check points and flight delays, airline travel certainly…

a salute to urban fish

Some days you can eat leafy greens until the cows come home without ever feeling full.  The missing link?  Protein.  While chickens and livestock often play a key role in addressing this classic omnivorous hunger, raising…

agricultural roofs in Gaza

Rooftop agriculture is taking root around the globe.  With its beginnings in 600 B.C.E. Babylon (present day Iraq), rooftop farming has arrived, full circle, back in the Middle East.  According to the online Lebanese newspaper L’Orient-Le Jour, Gazan residents are installing…

sunny-side up with a pinch of lead

On October 8th the New York Times published an article by columnist Julie Scelfo, revealing detectable levels of lead in the eggs of city-raised chickens. The article discussed a recent New York City Health Department study, in…

goat à la roof

While some skyline growers tinker with beets and collard greens, others push the limits of hoofed farm hands.  Rooftop goats are all the rage in Sister Bay, WI, where a small herd has grazed the grassy…

fishy business

Does all this talk about lettuce and broccoli make you hungry for some real meat? Let’s talk aquaponics. For centuries, people around the world have raised fish as a food crop. This cultivation occurs in ocean…