ruminating on rain barrels

Winter is the perfect time for gardeners and farmers to rest, plan for spring planting, and investigate big questions that sprouted during the past growing season.  My big question this winter: Is it safe to water edibles…

grey to green

Think green infrastructure is sexy?  Don’t hold yourself back from nerding out with others, like yourself, who blush at the thought of rooftop farming, green walls, biofilters and living machines.  On August 25 and 26, Green Roofs for…

hyper-local food

North Carolinians, you’re in luck!  You’re lust for local food journalism has been assuaged by Food Life, a new foodie magazine recently released by parent company Sophie Magazine.  The budding farm-to-fork publication has taken an interest in rooftop agriculture by…

an onion blooms in the desert

Amid conflict and persistent food insecurity Palestinian refugees are cultivating their rooftops to produce fresh vegetables close to home.  Last week the Middle Eastern sustainability news website Green Prophet reported that families in West Bank refugee camps…

a week in the kitchen

What do you in eat in an average week? How much of what you eat is shaped by culture? How much is shaped by your access to fresh fruits and vegetables? How would your diet change…

sunny-side up with a pinch of lead

On October 8th the New York Times published an article by columnist Julie Scelfo, revealing detectable levels of lead in the eggs of city-raised chickens. The article discussed a recent New York City Health Department study, in…